The blinds have been opened to let in the sun
I stretch my limbs and witness nature on the run
To make the most before the close
Of this sunny day in winter
A squirrel scurries, looking for lunch
Up to his elbows in dirt, looking for a morsel to munch
His body all a-quiver in anticipation
On this sunny day in winter
He keeps glancing from one branch to another
As the pigeons flutter frantically after each other
And make love in the trees and lie on the leaves
On this sunny day in winter
The sun glints off the passing cars
While I sit out here for hours and hours
Staring in rapt, awed admiration
Of this perfect day in winter
As much as I’m dying for a walk on the pier
I have developed something of a fear
Of stepping through the door and bringing an end
To this lovely day in winter
The clouds may roll in on the ocean breeze
The clouds will come between the sun and the trees
And furry things will hide when they see the end
To this beautiful day in winter
So I sit on my balcony blessed to be alive this day
A spectator, I am, of this shimmering display
Watching life dancing merrily on its way
Through this lovely day in winter
Hey, your writing seems to have shifted places...from darkness to light! I could actually see the furry creatures playing in the winter sun but then thats how you write :-)loved it.
Thanks so much Ranjini! :) Glad you liked it. Seems I'm doing something right
really love this one chanda... refreshing and positive.. makes me look forward to the next winter day!
hehehehe indeed it does. But days like this are few and far between in winter so it makes it all the more special. These two poems are the beginnings of my Cornwall Series of poems...i think
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